Saturday, September 15, 2012


Getting back into the groove....not easy!  It's been about 2 weeks since the track has closed and I have gotten my life back.  It isn't easy though.  When you really enjoy what you are doing every day and it ends.....well, i just need time to reconnect with life. 

As I look back and see the 'end,' I am reminded of the good times and have heart because, hopefully, there will be another season.

So we walk in for the last day.


And then the Winner's Circle is empty.

And the bell won't ring again until July, 2013.

And the last breakfast is served.
But the memories will get the team through the winter and we look forward to another unique experience.  

Saturday, September 8, 2012


It is often said that "If you don't like the weather, wait a minute."  The Northeast climate can be volatile and many folks think our weather forecasters don't often get it right.  I happen to differ.  I think they're pretty accurate so I pay close attention and operate accordingly.  Today started out with lots of sun but also a lot of wind.  Then came the warning...
Photo: A wider view of the Moderate Risk area per SPC . . . TD
So the day goes on with the wind blowing and the leaves swirling around. Then more watches and warnings come across the TV and computer screens.
Photo: The Storm Prediction Center continues to highlight the ENTIRE NewsChannel 13 viewing area in their Moderate Risk for severe weather this afternoon / evening . . . TD
Then it really becomes serious.
Photo: A line of severe storms is heading for Lake George, Glens Falls, Saratoga Springs, Clifton Park, Albany, Schenectady, Troy, Schoharie, and Amsterdam in the next hour. Winds with these storms could gust over 60mph. If you are in or near any of these locations you have enough time to bring in all loose items like garbage pails and lawn furniture. These items could get blown around and cause damage to your property when the storms blow through.
So, the rains came and they came down hard.  The wind blew the rain horizontally and the trees bent down as if bowing to the rain.  The weather men and women were exactly right.....right down to the timing and severity. 
Then they cancelled the tornado warning....thank you very much!
Event cancelled. Tornado Watch from 9/8/2012 6:11 PM to 10:00 PM EDT for Montgomery County, Saratoga County, Washington County, Greene County, Fulton County, Dutchess County, Herkimer County, Hamilton County, Albany County, Rensselaer County, Columbia County, Warren County, Schenectady County, Ulster County, Schoharie County.

So, we were spared but many other localities were not so fortunate.  Tornado in Queesn, NY.  Power out in surrounding communities ... and trees down on houses and cars. Clean up will take awhile.  My prayers are for their quick recovery.

Hope the non-believers will listen to the local weather folks now.  They got it right this time and will in the future.

Again, thanks for stopping by.....



Thursday, September 6, 2012


It's September and I have to wonder where August went!  Working 6 days a week doesn't leave much time to do the ordinary things.  So, after tomorrow, life should get back to normal.

But, what happened to summer?  I tried to get in a lot of fun days before July 20th (the day the track opened) and I am pleased to say I did have some success.  One day at the lake, one overnight with family, one evening at the ballet, some walks downtown, a couple of meals out, one goodbye and good luck to a college freshman and some time with the youngest granddaughter.  But, I am still wishing for more time to do so many other things.

So, now it really is over!  After 6 weeks, 40 working days, the 2012 meet at the
Saratoga RaceTrack has ended.  My feet hurt, the backs of my legs have the strangest tan (wearing different shoes, etc.) since I stand for close to 4 hours, midday, with the sun at my back, but it really is an enjoyable time. 

So many people cross our paths at the gate. I am fortunate to watch all the jockeys, owners, trainers and dedicated season ticket owners walk past me each day. They are so friendly and down to earth. 

Every day brings another topic of conversation with my work partner, Ruth.  Usually our comments are about the outfits, etc., but I'd rather not get into some of the other observations!!!

Some highlights...Mariano Rivera joined the crowd. Nice!!
Equine artist Sharon Crute and her husband, Michael Bray, are the best of friends.  So nice to be able to help each other...sharing tables, keeping our 'stuff' while we continued to work.  Privileged to know them!
Of course, the entire Hospitality Team made it all worthwhile.
So, I have been remiss in completing this post, but I'm trying to get back into my life and catch up on so many things that were left untouched since July 20th.  As things return to normal, I hope to add to this.  I also want to keep current with the happenings of life in my city.
Stay tuned!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Here we are with Labor Day less than 2 weeks away, school starting and the 2012 Saratoga Racing meet ending.  Many thoughts are all jumbled in my head, things I've seen (and some I wish I had not) and things I've heard.  In no special order, here are some of them.

~Summer is too short
~People are basically kind
~Sidewalks don't grow (why are they watered?)
~It has been pretty hot standing at Gate B
~The "May I Help You?" sign got heavier this year
~Many people also did the same (see above) and really did get heavier
~I could use a vacation after Labor Day
~Most patrons appreciate our assistance
~Some even say "Thanks!"
~Our Team works hard
~Kelly and Kristen are great and also work hard
~The matron in the ladies room is very pleasant
~Hope that matron (and the others as well) get some fresh air
~Mornings are getting cooler and the evenings darker
~Don, the Fire Marshall, is a thoughtful person
~Car alarms are useless.  Noone pays attention
~There are a lot of limos in town this week
~I love living in Saratoga Springs
~The thoroughbreds are magnificent animals
~The jockeys are amazing athletes
~Love seeing old friends
~Love making new friends
~Some people should look in the mirror before they go out
~Cigar smoke lingers in the air (and on your clothes, Mr. Smoker)
~Please don't walk away as I'm answering your questions
~It's the Paddock, not the Padlock.....insert smile here
~Wish I could find comfortable shoes
~Fresh veggies from Saratoga Farmers' Market are delicious

To be continued...

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, August 20, 2012


Training the thoroughbreds....'schooling' them for racing.  What do you call the children who attend the races?  Are we 'schooling' them for future betting?  Will they fall in love and dream of being jockeys or trainers?  Maybe even own a racehorse? 

Some arrive on their bicycles. Some even on tricycles.

A daily double??

Future owner or trainer?
Where are the horses, Dad?
Walking through the Clubhouse.

Resting after breakfast.

Thanks to all the families that allowed these photos. 

So many children from the newborns to those teens that wish they were there without their parents. The little ones are fun and the future of the industry.

Thanks for stopping by..... both at the track and here.


Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Heard on the evening news that this summer has been unusually hot;  record-breaking, in fact.  Of course, those folks who work outdoors have known this all along and didn't need the media to tell them that it's hot and humid!! WEATHER.

I will blame the heat for some people's attitude and behavior.  For four hours today, I answered questions at the racetrack.  Odds were that some didn't bother to listen to my answers or were ready with a reason why they think they knew better.  People are funny but they are the 'guests' and we (the Hospitality Team) go along with them. 

So, maybe the heat was the cause of an unsettling situation today with a co-worker.  A team member quickly took a comment to heart and put me on the spot.  I thought the team understood each other but maybe my 'joking' comment was not taken in the vein it was meant.  Surprised?  Guess I don't know them as well as I thought. Also, I have to remember that what others think is important to some people.  Sadly, that person has nothing to worry about.  The entire 'team' knows this person is very important to them and would never jeopardize their position.  A very important member for their expertise and loyalty.  So, can the response be blamed on weather???  Hope so because I don't know what else to use as an excuse.

We are almost half -way throught the 2012 meet.  We all love what we do for these 6 weeks (well, I hope they do.) and I would be sad to think our 'team' has lost it's team spirit, especially over a comment that had no meaning. So, I will be careful what I say and hope all the team members know it just might be the heat!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Over the last 6 years I have spent (read 'worked') 6 weeks of my summer at the SARATOGA RACE COURSE and I have met some wonderful people.  Some  I work with, some I meet each day. Currently there are 9 others on our Hospitality Team, 6 are part of the original group.  The 10 of us, along with all former team members, get together over the year.  We like to keep in touch and always look forward to catching up....that's what friends do.

Others employed at the track have also become friends.  Thanks to social sites like e-mail and Facebook, we can keep in touch through the year. Other co-workers we only see from year to year.  We look for them and if we don't see them, we wonder how they are and hope we will eventually run into them.

Then there are the patrons.  We are always pleased to see folks return.  It is so heartwarming when they come up to us and tell us they are happy to see us again.  Each day Ted, from New Jersey, comes in and makes sure he says hello.  John likes to 'dance' with me when Reggie's Red Hot Feet Warmers are playing their fun music.  How about Joe?  He usually stops by just to ask how things are going.  "Crazy Eddie" comes by on his birthday and he is happy that we remember that!  It pleases him a lot.  Don't forget Barbara Ann....yes, use both names.  She is a "weather spotter" for a local TV station.  Her Mother told her that she should always use both names and she would be remembered.  Mom is always right!

I would be remiss if I did not tell you about Ann and her daughter, Barbara. Ann is in her 80's, a retired NYC Policewoman.  Her daughter (40's) is not healthy (undergoes dialysis 3 times a week) but they come in most days.  Former horse owners and quite the characters, they are sweethearts.  We even went to Barbara's birthday party this year!  All the jockeys know them and treat Barbara with love and kindness.  She is legally blind and has an incredible memory.  Ask her anything about movies or races and she knows the answer. They are very special.

We look forward to Tony and Carolyn.  They own a restaurant on Long Island (NY) and manage to get away for one weekend.  How fortunate for us that they choose Saratoga Springs to spend that precious time.  Tony and Carolyn seek us (my partner and I at Gate B) out, invite us to their table for a snack, etc.  This year they have invited us for dinner.  Nice of them to send a message with the invitation before they even arrive!

We also have the pleasure of befriending some of the artists and vendors.  It really is like a family.

So it goes...6 days a week for 6 weeks. What an experience.  You just never know what the day will bring and I never knew what this job would bring....many new and old friends!